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Stranger   Suite

Fire Island Pines, NYC, presented by NYPAC

Three interrelated performances; 11 hours
Performed by Jonathan VanDyke. Bradley Teal Ellis, David Rafael Botana,

and Laryssa Husiak
part of the series I <3 Fire Island

"The Stranger Suite revolves around a charged notion of “looking.” It takes its title from the Albert Camus novel The Stranger, which features a protagonist increasingly alienated from society. The works transpose this existential framework onto Fire Island settings like the beach and the Meat Rack, inflecting the term “looking” not only with homosexual desire, but more symbolically with searching – both for oneself and for others – calling out, finding a path, losing track, making contact. Sites are marked literally with glances, wandering figures and accumulated paint, which oozes from a totemic sculpture, a woman’s purse, and the costumes of two dancers as they engage each other in both tender and rough physical play."

                                                                              – David Everett Howe, curator

 ☞ view video excerpt of performance below

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